
A Letter from the Editor: Walking the Talk

REROUTE returns with a renewed commitment to inclusivity, amplifying all voices shaping the arts and culture landscape.

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3 minutes
Emotional Physics

Confidence and doubt aren’t enemies—they’re part of the same process. Chelsea Delaney breaks down how understanding this can transform the way we chase big goals.

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6 minutes
Empowered By Adversity

Amidst life's hardships, Emanuel Frowner shines bright as a resilient advocate, performer, and athlete.

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5 min read
A Call To Change Police Response to Autism-Related Incidents

An advocate's letter sheds light on the need for compassion in interactions with invisibly disabled individuals.

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6 min read
Banner image featuring Charlotte’s Web Daily Wellness Gummies. A jar of gummies is displayed in the center with assorted fruits (lime and raspberry) around it. Text on the left reads 'Charlotte's Web,' and on the right reads 'Daily Wellness Gummies.' The background is a warm brown color.