
REROUTE Magazine

REROUTE Magazine

Editorial: Why Are IDD Individuals Left Out of the Sex and Love Conversations?

Neurodivergent and IDD individuals experience love, attraction, and relationships—so why does society still pretend they don’t? This editorial breaks the silence, challenges outdated thinking, and calls for action on sex education, autonomy, and the right to love.

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7 min read

REROUTE Magazine

REROUTE Magazine

Editorial: Walking the Talk

REROUTE returns with a renewed commitment to inclusivity, amplifying all voices shaping the arts and culture landscape.

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3 minutes

REROUTE Magazine

REROUTE Magazine

Editorial: The Beauty of Accomodating With Grace

Editor's letter reflects on valuing dignity & embracing accommodations for a work of beauty. Gratitude for contributors & award nomination.

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3 min read
Banner image featuring Charlotte’s Web Daily Wellness Gummies. A jar of gummies is displayed in the center with assorted fruits (lime and raspberry) around it. Text on the left reads 'Charlotte's Web,' and on the right reads 'Daily Wellness Gummies.' The background is a warm brown color.