Hayden Robinson

Fireflies and Ticks In Summertime Georgia

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2 min read
Artwork of a beautiful flower and a firefly. There is a poem. Text ID: The fireflies are glowing at the parks,  As the sun decides to let the heat rest  So our sweat may relax as we watch  The night comes to say ‘welcome’.    I itch even now from being the ticks’ meal,  The legs were their favourite part  And the peeling skin reminds me  Of adventures near Savannah benches.    Peach pies and fudgesicles reign supreme  And sweetened iced tea with water is  Best drank cold; warm coffee is sinful  In a 90-degree Fahrenheit heat,    Which to you may perhaps be too much,  But in the dog park, we play cards  And bet on when we'll melt; if you can’t  Stand the heat, you’ll never know harmony.    The Southern fried chicken and biscuits  Will fatten my belly in my delightful gorge;  I’ll be damned if I can’t have one more serving of shrimp and grits because they taste like bliss.    I’ll risk the ticks to see the fireflies once more.  I’ll become a puddle just so I can feel  The sun, in its glory, dance around Georgia Where I’ll barbecue up some S’mores.
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Writer | Author | Horror Fan | NaNoWriMo 2022 Winner