Re-Route Magazine

Wisdom in What’s Felt

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5 min read
Photo of an attractive BIPOC Caribbean Afro-Latina. She is outdoors at golden hour, she has curly brown hair, brown eyes, and is smiling at the camera.

Yvette Bonilla Leach’s spiritual path has been one of quiet discovery, deeply rooted in life’s experiences. It all began in 1998, when she found a sense of grounding through meditation and yoga. The gentle rhythm of these practices helped her center herself in a world that could often feel chaotic. But everything shifted in 2011, when Yvette faced a diagnosis of Stage IIb breast cancer. Going through treatment—including a double mastectomy, chemotherapy, and reconstruction—brought her face-to-face with her own mortality, forcing her to reflect on life’s deeper patterns. It was this experience that led her to explore the unseen connections between the universe and the soul.

In her search for stillness, Yvette found refuge in Zen meditation. Here, she discovered a space where presence was everything—each breath a reminder of life unfolding moment by moment. Her practice wasn’t an escape from the reality of life but a way to embrace it fully. Through Zen, she learned to let life’s currents move through her with grace, and this foundation would eventually lead her to the wisdom of astrology. Astrology wasn’t about predicting the future but about understanding the deeper patterns guiding our lives, and in 2017, her studies at the University of the Seven Rays brought this into focus.

Yvette’s education in esoteric astrology opened her eyes to the Seven Rays, universal energies that shape growth and consciousness. The birth chart became a tool, not for fortune-telling, but for uncovering the deeper truths of the soul. It was in these charts that Yvette found a way to help others understand their purpose.

Meditation as a Quiet Return

For Yvette, meditation is not just a practice—it’s a return to herself. Each inhale, each exhale, pulls her back into the present. There’s no grand gesture in it, just the simplicity of sitting in stillness. Thoughts come and go, like clouds passing in the sky. In these moments, Yvette reconnects with a quiet clarity, a sense of being here and now.

She also practices Raja Yoga, where the mind is both guide and tool. It’s a way for her to dive deeper into mindfulness, to find stillness even in the busiest of thoughts. When she meditates, whether alone or guiding others, it’s an invitation to pause, to feel the earth beneath you, the air around you, and the steady rhythm of breath. This practice isn’t about achieving something; it’s about being present and letting whatever arises come with ease.

Bringing Insight to Caregivers and Neurovariant Individuals

Yvette has a special gift when it comes to helping caregivers of neurodivergent loved ones, particularly those who are nonverbal. She understands the quiet ache of uncertainty that comes when a loved one can’t communicate their needs. Caregivers often feel helpless, unsure of how to meet the unspoken needs of the people they care for. Yvette steps in with a different kind of tool—the birth chart. In those charts, she can see things that aren’t easily spoken. Through the patterns in the stars, she helps caregivers see the hidden desires and needs of their loved ones, offering a path to deeper understanding.

It’s not about finding all the answers but about creating moments of connection where there was once uncertainty. Yvette’s work provides caregivers with the clarity they’ve been searching for, allowing them to support their loved ones in ways that align with their true selves.

Guiding Neurovariant Individuals

Yvette doesn’t just work with caregivers; she also mentors neurovariant individuals. Her approach is both practical and spiritual. Through astrology, she helps them see how their unique qualities fit into the larger tapestry of their life’s purpose. Yvette reads their birth charts not as maps of destiny but as guides to better understanding who they are.

She believes that life’s challenges are not just obstacles but opportunities for growth. Each difficulty, each moment of confusion, is a chance to see more clearly, to understand more deeply. Her goal is to help neurovariant individuals build resilience and find peace within themselves, no matter what life brings.

A Life Rooted in Simple Truths

Yvette’s spiritual journey is grounded in Zen and the ageless wisdom she’s gathered through her studies. She’s never been about grand transformations or dramatic awakenings. For her, spiritual growth happens slowly, quietly, in the small moments of daily life. It’s in the breath, the stillness, and the gentle unfolding of wisdom from within.

Her understanding of Buddhism and Hinduism has shaped her holistic approach to life. It’s about nurturing both the mind and spirit, finding balance in the present moment, and letting life reveal its lessons in its own time.

A Life of Quiet Joy

Yvette didn’t always know she was neurodivergent. It was through her work with others in the neurodiversity community that she came to understand her own AuDHD identity. This realization deepened her connection to herself and to those she loves.

Yvette has been married for over 22 years, but her relationship with her husband stretches back 30 years. Together, they have raised a neurovariant adult son and a daughter, both of whom continue to inspire, guide, and shape Yvette’s path. She admits she is no expert on anything and finds beauty in that. She loves being a student of life, learning from every moment, every challenge, every joy.

Her life is filled with simple pleasures—hands in the soil as she tends her garden, dancing in the kitchen, and the warmth of cooking meals for her family. Recently, she’s been exploring Stoic philosophy, drawn to its quiet strength and practical wisdom.

A Libra Sun, Virgo Moon, and Libra Rising, Yvette enjoys the balance of her quiet life in the Texas Hill Country. She shares her land with her family and their animals, always finding laughter in the antics of her chickens, whose daily mischief brings a lightness to her world.

To contact Yvette for a reading or to say hi, her email address is -

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